A Useful Grocery List of Brazilian Food Products with their American Substitutes is finally here, which hopefully will make life easier for many!!! Find out the equivalent of Brazilian products in the United States and vice-versa!

Friends, bloggers, and followers often ask me which American product would be a suitable substitute for a particular Brazilian product -- since some items are not available at local American supermarkets. I used to respond to such questions individually; however, this list of Brazilian food products with their American substitutes will address many questions all at once.
Some of the Brazilian food products listed here have exact American equivalents, while others have only a rough counterpart that will work in a pinch (um quebra-galho). For more detailed information, please read the explanations beneath this useful grocery list of Brazilian food products with their American substitutes.
Grocery Shopping List
- Polvilho Doce: Need to make pão de queijo (Brazilian cheese bread) or other traditional Brazilian foods like tapioca breadsticks from scratch? Don't worry! You don't need to go to a Latin or Asian market, or even order polvilho doce online... It is available in the US from various brands under the name Tapioca Flour (or tapioca starch). One of the best-known brands is Bob's Red Mill, which is available in many local supermarkets.
- Polenta, Angú, or Xerém: Its American equivalent is Coarse Polenta or Coarse Cornmeal. There is the regular type of yellow cornmeal, with a fine texture, which is not the same as our Brazilian polenta. Look for coarse polenta or coarse cornmeal.
- Amido de Milho ou Maizena: Its American equivalent is simply cornstarch -- which is available in the baking aisle of every single American supermarket. 🙂
- Fermento em Pó: This is another product that is quite easy to find. In the US, it is available by the name of baking powder. [Please do not confuse this with baking soda (or bicarbonato de sódio). Bicarbonato de sódio is often used in American baking recipes to neutralize acids such as buttermilk and sour cream. It is something seldom used in Brazilian recipes and our grocery list.]
- Guaraná (refrigerante): I am so sorry! There is no exact equivalent in the US for our guaraná soda. When I cannot find guaraná soda in Latin supermarkets or at the Walmart Latin aisle shelves, I get Ginger Ale instead. Of course, they do not have quite the same flavor, for obvious reasons: guaraná is a guaraná fruit-flavored soda while ginger ale is a ginger-flavored soda. But although they do not taste the same, ginger ale is about the closest counterpart that one finds for guaraná.
- Queijo de Coalho: There is no cheese available in the US quite like our queijo de coalho. Queijo de coalho is a firm cow's milk cheese produced in Northeastern Brazil, producing an almost 'squeaky' sensation when bitten into. If you cannot order this online, you may still be able to find something that comes close to it in taste: Halloumi cheese. This semi-hard cheese from Cyprus has a mixture of goat's and sheep's milk (and sometimes also cow's milk), and provides a wonderful substitute because it is similar to queijo de coalho both in taste and especially texture. Just like our queijo de coalho, Halloumi cheese is set with rennet. If you grill or griddle slices of either of the two cheeses in a bit of oil or butter, they develop a crunchy texture outside and a delicious melted inside. However, Halloumi is considerably saltier than our queijo de coalho, so I do recommend submerging Halloumi in a bowl of cold water for 1 hour, changing the water once or twice, patting dry with a clean kitchen towel or paper towel, and then cooking as desired. Halloumi is available in Middle-Eastern markets, Whole Foods, and possibly your local gourmet grocer. Both queijo de coalho and halloumi make great grilling cheeses. Add it to your grocery shopping list!
- Queijo de Minas (tipo frescal): Minas cheese is traditionally produced in the Brazilian state of Minas Gerais. It comes in three varieties, frescal (fresh), meia-cura (slightly matured) and curado (matured). A fourth variety, queijo padrão (standard cheese), has been produced more recently and can be easily found in supermarkets in Brazil. The most suitable US substitute for queijo de minas (tipo frescal) is Mexican queso fresco -- which is a cow's milk-based, white, fresh cheese used in Mexican cooking. It is sold by different brands and it is a bit saltier than our queijo de Minas. You may find it in your supermarket cheese or yogurt aisle, or Costco.
- Carne Seca: Carne seca is a type of jerky. The most similar US product is beef jerky -- which is drier and sliced thinner than carne seca. However, if you rehydrate beef jerky in boiling water, it becomes similar to our carne seca although still not as thick as carne seca. [Note: please do not confuse this with carne de sol (or sun-cured beef). To learn more about carne de sol and to find out how to make it from scratch, get the recipe for carne de sol.]
- Picanha: To get this Brazilian meat cut, ask your butcher for Top Sirloin Cap. To prepare an easy and delicious picanha in the oven, get the recipe picanha roast or grilled picanha steak. Check out our Meat cuts of beef for Brazilian and American cuts. Add it to your grocery list!
- Arroz Parbolizado: This is available in every American supermarket by the name Parboiled Rice. It is partially cooked with loose grains (soltinho).
- Arroz (soltinho): It is a long-grain rice available under different brand names. Because its grains contain less starch than medium or short-grain rice, it stays loose once cooked.
- Sucos Concentrados de Fruta: If you cannot find bottled concentrated tropical fruit juices at Latin supermarkets, you could take advantage of frozen fruit pulps. Goya is a Latin brand available in both American (e.g. Walmart) and Latin supermarkets. It offers frozen tropical fruit pulps in a similar range of flavors as ours, such as passion fruit (maracujá), guava (both white and red goiaba), papaya (mamão), mango, guanabana (graviola), etc. Let the pulp thaw and then use it for refreshing juices, fruit mousses, and other desserts.
- Requeijão Cremoso: Just as various brands of our requeijão or Brazilian cream cheese spread have a similar texture but vary in flavor -- and each person has their favorite-- it might not be a problem to try the Arabian Puck Cream Cheese Spread. Just about every Middle-Eastern market sells this.
- Creme de Leite: As a substitute for our canned creme de leite, there is Nestle Media Crema: check the Hispanic food aisle of your supermarket. For our creme de leite em caixinha, there is the American heavy whipping cream, available in the refrigerated dairy aisle which is the fresh version. Although not exactly the same, both the canned and carton forms are similar in taste and somewhat similar in texture to our creme de leite. For those who intend to use this list in reverse, please don't use 'creme de leite' (canned or in carton) to prepare whipped cream because it contains less fat than heavy whipping cream (which is a fresh product). Brazilians use 'creme de leite' in many sweet and savory dishes such as pasta, stews, and on top of guava paste (goiabada) as a snack. If you are in the U.S., you can use heavy cream to prepare the same Brazilian dishes that call for 'creme de leite'. I do not like to use 'half & half' in dishes that call for 'creme de leite' because it is thinner than 'creme de leite'.
- Queijo Ralado: Look for grated Parmesan cheese. But be aware that our queijo ralado tends to be more flavorful and saltier than the grated parmesan cheese often sold in American supermarkets. Another more suitable option is to add it to your grocery list and buy a block of good-quality Parmesan cheese and grate it right before using.
- Sagú: Look for tapioca pearls. Americans use tapioca pearls to make tapioca pudding. Tapioca pudding and sagú are essentially the same. The difference is that in Brazil we often use red wine or fruit juice (maracujá or passion fruit) to prepare sagú or red wine tapioca pudding, while Americans basically use the same ingredients as those for making rice pudding or arroz doce (milk, sugar, cinnamon, etc.) in order to make tapioca pudding.
- Manteiga de Garrafa: Manteiga-de-garrafa ('butter-in-a-bottle'), also known as manteiga-da-terra ('butter of the land'), is a product from Northeastern Brazil that refers to a clarified butter product, similar to Indian ghee. Ghee is available in Asian markets all over the US as well as at Walmart.
- Doce de Leite: Known in the US as dulce de leche. It is available in the Hispanic/Latin aisle of many American supermarkets. Nestle La Lechera sells one similar to our doce de leite Nestlé. List here...
- Chouriço: Would you like to prepare feijoada? The most similar sausage to Brazilian and Portuguese chouriço is Spanish chorizo (not Mexican chorizo, since this uses chilies instead of paprika).
- Biscoito Negresco: Although Negresco (round chocolate sandwich cookies with a vanilla-flavored filling) is from Nestlé Brasil while Oreo cookies are from the American company Nabisco, the truth is their appearance is quite similar. In terms of taste, each person has his/her own opinion. Mine is they taste somewhat similar -- although not exactly the same. 🙂 Oreos have a dark chocolate flavor while Negresco has more of a semisweet chocolate flavor. List here...
- Biscoito Maria: Maria cookies are available in the Latin aisle of many American supermarkets. Goya is one of several companies that manufacture this product in the US, Mexico, and some South American countries.
- Biscoito Champagne: Known in the U.S. as lady fingers, the ones imported from Italy are less sweet and a bit softer than Brazilian and American ladyfingers.
- Paçoca de Amendoim: Only recently did I find a great substitute for our paçoca de amendoim. Its name is Peanut Candy Mazapan, marketed by the brand La Molienda. I came across this by chance at a Mexican market when I had to develop a recipe for the Latin Kitchen, my paçoca ice cream with fried bananas and chocolate sauce. If you cannot find paçoca de amendoim or Peanut Candy Mazapan to make a dessert, don't worry. Roast and then grind peanuts (mix with a bit of sugar if desired) in order to use in paçoca mousse, ice cream, or other dessert recipes. make sure to add it to your grocery list!
- Serenata de Amor/ Sonho de Valsa: Both the chocolate bonbons Serenata de Amor and Sonho de Valsa contain a cashew nut cream filling. Although Arcor Bon O Bon has a peanut cream filling, it is the chocolate bonbon most similar in taste, texture, and appearance (cream and wafer covered with milk chocolate) to our chocolate bonbons.
- Milho Verde: If, like me, you have tried to make pamonhas (Brazilian yellow corn tamales) and the recipe went very wrong, it is not your fault! Blame the American sweet yellow corn (at least the most common variety sold in the US) which is high in sugar and low in starch. To make our pamonha in the US, you will need one of these two varieties of corn: Flour Corn (Zea Mays Amylacea) -- not corn flour please, or Dent Corn (Zea Mays Indentata). These two varieties are high in starch (amido), essential for getting pamonhas to solidify when boiled. Ask for unripe yellow dent corn or flour corn. Local producers/farmers may have these available.
- Cachaça: This is not overly hard to find anymore due to the widespread popularity of caipirinha. But at any rate, you can replace it with white rum -- although white rum and cachaça are not the same.
- Coco Ralado: In Brazil, coconut flakes are available finely shredded and desiccated or dehydrated. Although most American supermarkets sell sweetened coconut flakes (the flakes are larger than ours, sweet, and not desiccated), it is still possible to find a product similar to ours, such as this unsweetened, finely shredded coconut. Whole Foods Market may carry this type of product.
- Azeite de Dendê: Known as palm oil or red palm oil, this is a staple in Bahian cuisine, used for making dishes such as shrimp soup and Moqueca. This product is available in Brazilian, African, and Southeast Asian markets, and also online. You won't regret to have added it to your grocery shopping list!
- Café: Most of our Brazilian coffee beans are Arabica-type beans. Colombian coffee blends with Arabica beans are available at American supermarkets, and can be as strong as our coffee blends.s
- Couve: In American supermarkets, there are two types of couve: "collard greens," which correspond to the type of couve most commonly used in Brazil, and "kale," which corresponds to couve crespa.
- Leite de Coco: The most similar types to our leite de coco in terms of taste and thick creamy texture are Thai coconut milk, organic coconut milk, or coconut cream (NOT cream of coconut).
- Farinha de Mandioca: The Latin brand Goya sells this product as "Manioc flour" which is available at Latin supermarkets and online, and also at some American supermarkets (Hispanic food aisle). Manioc flour is the main ingredient for farofa.
- Massa para Pastel: For both baked and fried pastéis, many Latin brands sell the dough by the name 'masa para empanadas,' which is available in the freezer aisle of some American supermarkets (e.g. Walmart), Latin markets, and online. Wonton wrappers (usually available in most American and Asian grocery stores in the fresh produce section, or sometimes in the freezer aisle) make great mini pastel frito (mini fried empanadas).
- Paio: It is a smoked sausage made from pork loin, garlic, salt, and Capsicum pepper. Paio can be substituted by any smoked garlic pork sausage, or the Polish kielbasa -- available at American supermarkets.
- Lombo Defumado: Next time that you need to make feijoada, look for smoked pork loin at American supermarkets. List here.
- Linguiça Calabresa: Italian spicy Calabrese sausage is the most suitable substitute for our linguiça calabresa. It is available at American supermarkets. Calabrese sausage was introduced to Brazilians by Italian immigrants and is particularly used in pizzas, sandwiches, and feijoada.
- Queijo Prato: This Brazilian soft cheese is characterized by its yellow color, mild flavor, and low sodium content. It is similar to the Danish Danbo cheese. In fact, queijo prato was introduced by Danish immigrants in the Minas Gerais. Danbo cheese is available at specialty cheese shops in the United States.
- Flocão de Milho: Unfortunately there is no readily available exact US substitute for flocão. If you want, you can try to make cuzcuz de milho (cornmeal couscous) using a coarse corn meal, like the one Vitamilho used to produce decades ago. It will neither be as fluffy as the cuscuz made from flocão nor as quick to cook but one will still have a taste of cuscuz de milho.
- Polvilho azedo (Sour Starch): Again, there is no similar, readily available US substitute. This is a fermented starch extracted from cassava that is coarser than tapioca flour (polvilho doce). It makes pão de queijo and also tapioca crepes. However, it's available at some Latin markets or purchased online.
- Chocolate Easter Eggs (Ovos de Páscoa): Cadbury and other brands sell chocolate Easter eggs -- both mini and large sizes -- at American supermarkets.
- Panetone Bauducco: It is available at Walmart supermarkets and Walgreens Pharmacies -- both on Christmas and Easter time. Or you can make this copycat homemade panettone.
This grocery list of Brazilian food products is just a sampling. I tried to remember as many as I could, but I know that there are still other items left off of this list of Brazilian food products. If you have any additional questions, I would be happy to try and help you find an American equivalent or suitable substitute for a Brazilian food product. List!
Thanks for stopping by... and spreading the word!!! There are many Brazilians living in the US (and people from other nationalities that have lived or traveled in Brazil) and miss our products. I know that all of them would be happy to have this grocery list of Brazilian food products with their American substitutes in hand. It took me many years to find suitable American substitutes. I am so glad to be able to share them with you!
P.S.: Are there any product(s) that you don't see on the list?
Other food lists
- PCOS Diet and Food List
- 30 High-Fiber Recipes (with Food Lists)
- Cheapest Foods to Buy When Broke

Tatiana says
Sensacional Denise!
Amei! Essa semana fiz carne maluca para meu marido! Ele ama minha comida, diz q é diferente porém deliciosa. Ele pediu um bolo de cenoura de aniversário e falei q vou fazer um c chocolate....ele achou estranho no começo mas depois pensou e disse q deve ser delicioso!
Eu tenho uma pergunta...além do creme de leite q faz falta, sabe o q sinto falta? Leite normal de caixinha. No Brasil a gente compra aquela caixa c uma dúzia de leite q pode deixar fora da geladeira e sempre temos leite em casa. Aqui compramos o galão q ocupa metade da geladeira e qd acaba ficamos sem leite por uns dois dias até comprarmos outro (por preguiça mesmo kkkk). O q seria o substituto do nosso leite?
Um beijo e parabéns!
Denise Browning says
Ola, Tatiana! Obrigada pela visita.
Sim, aqui nos EUA ha varias marcas que vendem leite em caixinha os quais sao comprados em uma prateleira do supermercado sem refrigeracao. Se voce der uma olhada neste link aqui embaixo, voce vai pode visualiza-los. As marcas nacionais americanas mais populares sao Horizon e Organic Valley. Ha tambem o da Parmalat feito o nosso mas creio que nem todo supermercado vende. O da marca Silk eh mais conhecido como um leite alternativo pois nao contem leite de vaca e sim leite de amendoa (almond milk). Quando voce for ao supermercado, pergunte onde fica " the aisle where you can get no refrigerated milk in carton" (a prateleira onde ha leite em caixa sem refrigeracao).
Espero que isso lhe ajude. Um abraco!!
Tatiana says
Obrigada Denise....passei batido por essa seção no supermercado....vou procurar c mais calma....valeu...
Eu tenho mais uma pergunta...qual corte de carne eu compro p fazer um bife p que ele não fique duro? Quero fazer bife acebolado. E depois bife rolê. Não tenho acertado no corte. Obrigada e mais uma vez parabéns!
Denise Browning says
O bife acebolado pode ser feito com New York Strip Steak. Ha uma receita aqui no blog. Eh so procurar aqui na busca da pagina inicial ou no Google como " bife acebolado from brazil to you".
Para o bife role, voce pode usar 'top round steak' a qual equivale ao nosso coxao mole ou cha de dentro. Eh um corte nao tao caro e que vai ser cozinhado no molho de tomate na panela de pressao ou em uma panela normal tampada e em fogo baixo por muitos minutos.
Espero que isso lhe ajude. Qualquer coisa, eh so deixar um comentario. Um abraco pra vc e uma boa semana!
P.S.: Alem da nossa pagina em ingles, tambem temos muitas das nossas receitas em portugues: https://www.easyanddelish.com/
Liz says
Olá, talvez um pouco atrasada a minha sugestão, mas você pode sim encontrar creme de leite Nestlè de latinha na maioria dos supermercados americanos. É exatamente como o do Brasil. Procure na sessão de “Ethinic Foods” ou onde se encontra o Leite Condenado.
Denise Browning says
Obrigada Liz! Nos supermercados que eu ja fiz compras, como por exemplo o Safeway, Walmart e HEB, na secao latina vende o creme de leite Nestle mas a consistencia nao eh a mesma da do Brasil. O de lat,a por exemplo, them o soro em baixo como o nosso, mas a nata ou seja, o creme que fica em cima eh emppelotado na versao latina, enquanto que no brasileiro eh liso. Eh mesma nao gosto nao do creme d eleite latino. Prefiro usar o heavy cream americano. Mas cada qual com seu gosto. Desde que fizemos esta lista, muita coisa mudou nestes anos. Ja encontro guarana no Walmart enquanto naquela epoca somente em supermercados latinos. Talvez seja a hora de atualiza-la. Se tiver mais sugestoes de produtos, por favor liste aqui. Obrigada!
Tamires says
Prezada Denise,
inicialmente gostaria de agradecer as informações sobre variedade de milhos para pamonha disponibilizadas aqui, estão sendo de muita ajuda.
Entretanto restou uma dúvida. Caso vc tenha a resposta será fantastico!
A questão é:
aonde posso comprar as espécies que vc indicou - two varieties of corn: Flour Corn (Zea Mays Amylacea) — not corn flour please, or Dent Corn (Zea Mays Indentata) ????
"If, like me, you have tried to make pamonhas (Brazilian yellow corn tamales) and the recipe went very wrong, it is not your fault! Blame the American sweet yellow corn (at least the most common variety sold in the US) which is high in sugar and low in starch. To make our pamonha in the US, you will need one of these two varieties of corn: Flour Corn (Zea Mays Amylacea) — not corn flour please, or Dent Corn (Zea Mays Indentata). These two varieties are high in starch (amido), essential for getting pamonhas to solidify when boiled. Ask for unripe yellow dent corn or flour corn. Local producers/farmers may have these available. List here!
Denise Browning says
Olá, Tamires!
Quem dera fosse fácil achar essa variedade de milho nos supermercados americanos. Acredito que somente está disponível em alguns farmer's markets ou produtores locais de milho. Se você encontrar um, principalmente no verão aqui, pergunte a ele a variedade vendida e onde você poderia encontrar a variedade Flour Corn (Zea Mays Amylacea) na sua cidade. Eles com certeza devem poder lhe informar melhor. Aqui em San Antonio, onde vivo, já me deu por vencida. Boa sorte!
Sarah Anderson says
That is awesome that you gave the American versions for these so that more people can learn a bit about another culture. I am going to have to look up some Brazilian recipes to see what I could do. I should find something from a restaurant to make, see if I can make it with as good of quality.
Miyu says
I can't find a substitute for bolacha maizena. I need them for a recipe but ladyfingers are too thick for it =(
Denise Browning says
Hi, Miyu!
Thanks for stopping by.
As far as I know there isn't an equivalent cookie to biscoito maizena, both in taste and shape, available in the American market. But you can find good substitutes though. If shape is not a problem, use biscoito maria which is more similar in taste to maizena. I usually buy mine at Walmart (Latin aisle). If the difference of shape between those 2 is an issue, the most similar in shape to biscoito maizena will be biscoff cookies and vienna fingers -- but the taste is not the same.
If you google them, you will be able to see their pictures. I hope this helps you! Have a delicious day!
Everton says
Desculpa, mas nao pude passar por aqui sem comentar. De onde voce tirou a ideia de que Ginger Ale e guarana sao similares? Se voce fosse pernambucana de verdade voce saberia que guarana eh uma fruta amazonense, e Ginger Ale eh feito de gengibre. Duas coisas COMPLETAMENTE diferentes!
WARNING: Ginger Ale and Guarana are two completely different things! And Requeijao is not the same as cream cheese. Neither is Carne Seca the same as beef jerky.
Denise Browning says
Everton: Voce acabou de me insultar. Sim sou pernambucana... e da gema. Voce nao me ensinou nada de novo. Sim sei muito bem que ginger ale e guarana sao diferentes e de que cada um eh feita assim como a origem canadense de um versus a brasileira de outro. Mas em termos de gosto eh o mais proximo a guarana. Aqui esta o que disse no meu artigo, o que acredito que voce somente leu a lista e nao se deu ao trabalho de ler a explicacao no meu artigo: " I am so sorry! There is no exact equivalent in the US for our guaraná soda. When I cannot find guaraná soda in Latin supermarkets, I get Ginger Ale instead. Of course, they do not have quite the same flavor, for obvious reasons: guaraná is a guaraná fruit-flavored soda while ginger ale is a ginger-flavored soda. But although they do not taste the same, ginger ale is about the closest counterpart that one find for guaraná." Eh como diz o ditado: Quem nao tem cao caca com gato. E pra quem mora no exterior e nao tem acesso facil a guarana como no Brasil, eh um consolo. Requeijao e cream cheese nao sao iguais nao. O requeijao da gente eh mais mole e cremoso mas por definicao eh sim um tipo de cream cheese o qual se traduz 'creme de queijo'. Se voce sabe algo de ingles, entao voce sabe traduzir do portugues pro ingles. Ate mesmo entre as marcas brasileiras, o requeijao tem gostos diferentes. O da Tirolez por exemplo nao tem o mesmo gosto e brilho e ate consistencia do que o da Catupiry e outras marcas. Olha aqui a minha explicacao, a qual nem sequer compara o requeijao brasileiro com o americano mas com o arabe: "Just our requeijão, marketed under several brands, present similar texture but variation of flavor -- and each person has a favorite, it might not be a problem to get used to the Arabian Puck Cream Cheese Spread. Just about every Middle-Eastern market sells this." Carne seca e beef jerky podem passar por um processo nao exatamente igual e que o beef jerky eh muito mais seco e duro, mas eh sim a coisa mais parecida que tem sim. Quando o beef jerky eh hidratado em agua quente fica mais macia e com uma textura nao igual mas um pouco mais parecida com a carne seca. Aqui o que eu disse no meu artigo: " Carne seca is a type of jerky. The most similar US product is sliced beef jerky -- which is drier and sliced thinner than carne seca. However, if beef jerky is rehydrated in boiling water, it becomes similar to our carne seca although still not as thick as carne seca. [Note: please do not confuse this with carne de sol (or sun-cured beef). To learn more about carne de sol and to find out how make it from scratch, get the recipe here.]"
Uma coisa eh voce discordar, o que esta bem, outra eh vir aqui no meu blog me insultar. Nao conheco voce, nao sei quem voce eh, mas sou tao brasileira quanto voce e alem do mais sou chefe formada e nao por qualquer escola, mas pela melhor que eh a Cordon Bleu. O que aprendi nao foi numa cozinha leiga nao. O que sei nao aprendi por indicacao de nenhum politico, mas por estudo mesmo e pratica. Tambem vivi no Brasil por 29 anos da minha vida e desde la ja cozinhava, alem do que ainda visito la e tenho familia ainda la. Entao se tem alguem aqui ignorante eh voce. Em nenhum momento afirmei que a MAIORIA dos produtos dessa lista eram EXATAMENTE IGUAIS, principalmente os 3 que voce citou. Apenas disse que haviam substitutos dignos de serem provados. E pra quem nao tem acesso a um produto que alguem esta acostumado, eh melhor que nada mesmo. Se voce nao fosse tao rapido em me julgar, voce teria se dado ao trabalho de ler o meu artigo antes de vir aqui me insultar. Voce agiu superficialmente, leu somente a lista e resolveu vir me insultar.
Usando da sua expressao, desculpa, mas voce se comporta como o tipico brasileiro, que nao faz nada, mas adora criticar quem ainda tenta ajudar os demais que moram longe a ter algo pra substituir e matar um pouco da saudade da comida de casa. Nao concorda, nao quer usar a lista, nao usa. Mas nao vem aqui no meu espaco me insultar nao e achar que vou ficar calada. A porta eh a serventia da casa como se diz no MEU Estado. Como ve agora, sou bem pernambucana mesmo.
Andreia Stiffler says
Muito obrigada por essa lista. Eu basicamente parei de cozinhar muitas receitas brasileiras por nao achar os ingredientes.
Voce tem alguma dica pros cortes de carne?
Muito obrigada de novo!
Denise Browning says
Olá, Andréa!
Obrigada a você pela visita! Fico feliz em saber que essa lista é útil pra você. Posso entender como você se sentiu pois logo quando cheguei aqui nos EUA, eu não sabia como encontrar alguns dos ingredientes para fazer muitos pratos brasileiros. Mas ao longo desses 13 anos vivendo aqui pouco a pouco fui colecionando os substitutos americanos e achando alguns dos ingredientes brasileiros, assim que achei que seria bom dividir com os demais brasileiros essa lista.
Quanto a corte de carnes, o que exatamente você precisa saber? Se você citar os cortes específicos em português, poderei passar pra você sim em inglês. Sei que o mais difícil de encontrar é picanha. Tem que ser pedido em um açogue or butchery do supermercado pois eles não fornece a peça de picanha já cortada. Se chama aqui TOP SIRLOIN CAP. Tenho até uma receita de picanha de forno que você poderá preparar o ano inteiro se quiser e é bem fácil. Aqui está o link: https://www.easyanddelish.com/picanha-vegetables-en-papillote/
Também tenho uma pra fraldinha, que mostra passo-a-passo como fazê-la e deixar macia. Aqui se chama skirt steak e é fácil de encontrar a peça já cortada no supermercado pois é a mesma que se usa pra fazer beef fajitas. Aqui está o link: https://www.easyanddelish.com/cook-skirt-steak-4-quick-steps/
Se você precisar de mais alguma coisa é só avisar. E se tiver alguma dúvida quanto a receitas, ficarei feliz de ajudar. Espero que em breve eu possa inaugurar a versão traduzida em Português desse meu site. Um abraço pra você!
Andreia Stiffler says
Muito obrigada pelas receitas! Os outros cortes que as vezes eu costumava usar eram o acem e a alcatra.
Muito obrigada de novo!
Um abraco!
Denise Browning says
De nada, Andreia! A alcatra se chama rump steak e a acém se chama chuck.
Um abraço pra você!
Ivelise Giro says
ola, acabei de chegar do Brasil.
Estou me adaptando ainda...
obrigada pelas dicas!
Denise Browning says
De nada, Ivelise! Essa lista poderá lhe ajudar a encontrar aqui nos EUA produtos similares aos que temos no Brasil.
Se tiver qualquer dúvida, ficarei feliz em ajudá-la. Um abraço e um Feliz Natal!
Lady Lilith says
Thanks for sharing the conversion list. It will make cooking brazilian food much easier.
Denise Browning says
My pleasure... I have collected these items for years. It made my life much easier here in the US.
Erika says
You did a fantastic job with this list! The only correction I would make is that creme de leite de caixinha is not suitable for whipping because of its lower fat content than whipping cream (that is Brazilian creme de leite fresco). I would say its counterpart is single cream, a lighter cream, or at least that's what it's called in the UK. Cheers!
Denise Browning says
Thanks a lot, Erika! Welcome to FBTY...
Although heavy cream is not an exact equivalent for our 'creme de leite de caixinha' , I think is the most suitable substitute for 'creme de leite' in terms of vast culinary use. Since we use 'creme de leite' in many dishes (both sweet and savory), heavy cream can be quite handy when it comes to prepare our dishes (of course, using creme de leite to prepare whipped cream is not one of them for obvious reasons as you explained and I already knew it). Not everyone has access to 'media crema', a Nestle product from Mexico very similar to 'creme de leite em lata' in the US. On the other hand, heavy cream is an easy to find, great alternative to 'creme de leite' though, especially for pastas, stews, and on top of guava paste (goiabada). For those who intend to use this list in reverse, I will add a note that says to not use 'creme de leite de caixinha' to make whipped cream.
I live in the US so I had no idea about the existence of a single cream from the UK. I wish we had this product here. We have half and half as well, which I think is quite thin and not the same as creme de leite de caixinha.
Wishing you a great day and thanks for stopping by!
sasirekha says
Hello Denise,
I wanna appreciate for this great work and it was informative as well as use ful post.Keep posting!!
Denise Browning says
Thanks a lot!!! Welcome to FBTY... I hope this list can be quite useful for you.
Wishing you a wonderful day!
Germana Downing says
Hi, Denise! Thank you SO much for this very helpful list! It's a keeper!
God bless you, dear! Love you.
Denise Browning says
Thank you so much for the visit, Germana! I am glad to help all to find what they need... Sending to all of you my love and also hugs!
Sugar et al says
You are so thoughtful to have compiled a handy and extensive list for every one's benefit. as always it's great to know more about Brazilian food.
Denise Browning says
Thanks, Sonali! I have to confess that list was a piece of work. 🙂
Denise Browning says
Thanks, Sonali!
Amira says
This is so helpful Denise, Thanks for assembling it up
Denise Browning says
Thanks, Amira!
Deepti says
First time here, you have a wonderful space here.. I love to interact and know people from different parts of the world through food blogging, the information provided above is really useful and comes in handy anytime!
Denise Browning says
Welcome to FBTY! Thanks a lot for stopping by and find this list valuable to you. Have a wonderful weekend!
Shashi @ https://runninsrilankan.com says
This list took a lot of work on your part, Denise - such useful information - thanks for sharing dear!
Denise Browning says
Shashi: Thank you! This was indeed one of the most time-consuming posts that I have ever written. I hope people use this list and share with others.
Chris @ The Café Sucré Farine says
Wow, Denise! You've outdone yourself here. This is amazingly helpful. I'm pinning it to my International board so I won't loose it 🙂
Denise Browning says
Thanks a lot, Chris! I think this list can be handy when people is traveling to Brazil and want to find something similar to what they have here, and vice-versa. For Brazilians or Americans living abroad, it is quite useful.
Alisan Billman says
Thanks for this list! I am an American living in Brazil, so I'm trying to use this list backwards! I will have to disagree with you on the Oreos though! To us the Brazilian brand is extremely different! 🙂 now that you are in America, what would you use in Brazil to replace sour cream? We've tried plain yogurt but it's just not the same..... Thanks!
Denise Browning says
Hi, Alisan! I wish I could recommend a suitable substitute for sour cream. The only product that comes to my mind is coalhada, only because its sour taste although its texture can be either smooth (like sour cream) or lumpy -- depending on the producer. I know that buttermilk (something that Brazil does not produce) can be made from scratch by mixing either lemon juice or vinegar with whole milk. Coalhada used to be made from scratch by home cooks but last time that I went to Brasil, I saw that a brand named VIGOR (and others as well) was producing coalhadas: The natural yogurt with a smooth texture which is similar to a plain Greek yogurt, the coalhada with a firm texture which would be more similar to sour cream, and the traditional coalhada with a lumpy texture which is similar to a cottage cheese. Well, give coalhada -- the firm one-- a try and see what what you think. It is not the same as sour cream but it is the closest thing that I can think of. You can also Google for its recipe. Have a great day and thanks for stopping by! If you know others who could be interested in this list, please share it with them.
Clara says
You can make sour cream by combining about 1 tsp lime juice, 1 cup heavy cream (“creme de leite fresco” or “nata” if you live in southern Brazil) and salt, whisking and letting it sit for about 15 minutes. I find this is the easiest way to make a pretty decent sour cream, but there are plenty of different recipes online using ingredients that are available in Brazil!
Denise Browning says
Thank you so much Clara for the info. I will have to try it and post it here.
sallybr says
This is simply awesome! I am sharing this on my Facebook page and next time I do a Brazilian food post, I will iinclude your link
Denise Browning says
Thanks a lot, Sally! I am glad to hear that you have enjoyed this list. Thanks again for sharing and also for the future link. I do appreciate it...
cakewhiz says
This is such a handy list! I am gonna print this and stick it on my fridge. Many times... i come across these wonderful recipes and I don't know anything about those brazilian ingredients. But now, you have solved my problem 🙂
Denise Browning says
Thanks a lot...
Lilian says
Love it, thank you very much!
Denise Browning says
Meu prazer, Lilian! Por favor, compartilha com um montão de gente...